Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 24, 2014

Well my lovely mother my ladies are going to enter the waters of baptism tomorrow at 4:30pm! Well the mom Lourdez and daughter Daneila cause the sister moved... Our ward leaders are pretty awesome right now we just barely got a bishop like 3 weeks ago I have not had a bishop before that... really rough... but he is really awesome really strong, and our ward mission leader is an absolutely awesome man.  I think he was a stake president before so he has a very good knowlegde of the gospel and works well with us. My comp is a good guy good missionary doesn't like to wake up on time but he works with me. He goes home is three weeks.  President told me that my next comp will be a good one so I am excited for that!
  Really ward members are so important, dont wait and think that someone else will get someone for the missionaries cause they probably won't. That really is a great goal for you guys. I love the Madsens!!! Make sure to let them know that!
  Well sounds like the Bears will have a rough road but hey why not do it?? You two are just taking all types of little vacations and all of that. WOW  I am kinda excited to see the home when I get back sounds like a lot will change, Knock Down Tha Middle Wall!!!!  
Don't worry I am taking some pictures I really like this new camera! Yeah I dont know why but I really like geneology right now like I want to know more about where I am from and all of that stuff, but dont have time to do it.  Lourdez had some dreams about people all dressed in white and stuff like that, so we tried to explain baptisms for the dead to her but she didnt really get the concept haha but in a year it will be a great experience for her!
 Well mom I love ya! 
 Love your baby boy!

Mom told me about the meeting, sounds pretty awesome, really the members have such a magnificient effect on the work of salvation. It is awesome to see a ward that works with the missionaries, you can see how much more strenghth the ward has. Oh speaking of wards, ahhhhh Mexican church stresses me out! They are just like,  I don't even know how to expain it. Walking around during sacrament meeting, some 12 year old kids running out with a soccer ball to play soccer hhahhahahha, I just want to give them a smack! Well there is my little rant.
   What? one of them smacked Jardy??? oh I wish I was playing! Yeah I really hope the Bears can pull out a win against organ that would be awesome!
     Yeah I know you are stressed out about making changes in the house, but does that, or the house that Casey and Christian bought stress you out more? You know you are going to spend some good time out there too, haha!
  Well I told mom about our ladies I am really excited for them, they are awesome they always give us food and are way good to us. They love us ha. We have been commanded to baptize every week... Now that will stress a missionary out! But I have to have faith that we can do it, and I know that we can.  Right now we have dates set up to baptize every week starting this week so just got to keeep these investigators going strong. 
  Well kinda funny story, you will think it is gross, some guy was walking in front of the street with his pants down around his knees (and they dont wear underwear here cause they got a skin cover) so his wienie was just hangin out just walkin down the street haha.
 Well that is what I got for you this week father, Love you! 
 Elder Zundel

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 17, 2014

    Wow another week has gone by!! It is amazing how fast the time is cruzing to be honest. This week was just normal nothing out of the ordinary happened and it was just an overall good week. The reason I am writing late is because we had lessons during the day so we could not email earlier. We did service for some of our investigators this morning, we moved cinder blocks from the ground to their roof cause they are going to build another level on their house. we moved like 250, yeah made me a little tired, to be honest with  you. We are going over there again tomorrow morning at 6 to finish moving them. 
We don't have any baptisms planned for this week, but we should have a couple more coming up in the next week! My ladies are who should get baptized! 
  Nope I am not writing Andi anymore, well better said she is not writing me... but who cares right. No need to worry about those stupid girls right now anyways! (I know you liked that ha)
  Well yeah everything is good here! The weather is hot and we are hard at work! What more could I ask for right! 
Well one thing that I need to put in practice better this week and I am going to do it is, Faith without works is DEAD. Entonces I need to have the faith that I will find the people that are ready to take upon themselves a baptism, then I need to find them!
  Well my lovely mother I love you and hope all is well. 
 Elder Zundel!

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014

I have the same Comp and nothing is different. ha there is your little.
   Yeah spreading the gospel is an amazing opportunity! In my Patriarchal Blessing it talks about the Joy that I will have by spreading the gospel and I am for sure seeing that blessing come true right now in my life. 
  This Saturday we got out and were ready to preach the gospel, we went to our fist appointment and nobody was there, our second and nobody and it countinued as so.  So by five we had one lesson in the whole day... so we went to one of our recent converts house and talked to him about sharing the gospel. Then after that we went to this family that me and another Elder found. It was a Mom (Norma) and her daughter (Jasmin) and they were really awesome the first visit. So we go back Saturday night so follow up on them and the father (Martin) and their son ( Johnathan) were there also. And tell you what this family this lesson made my day! They are awesome and prepared to recieve the gospel! At the end of the lesson we asked the Johnathan to give the pray, which he had never done before, and he grabbed the Book of Mormon, which had the steps of how to pray written on it, and said an awesome short and simple prayer! I am way excited to see where this family will go!
  Then after this we went and had a lesson with this kid who is gay, it was kind of wierd not because of the subject just becasue he was not talking like he usually does.  So we give him the lesson that we had planned for him and at the end he asked us so how does your church take homosexuals? and eairlier that day we had gone to the internet to study up on the subject and I printed out a talk, and so I gave that to him when he asked the question and he started reading it to himself, and just started crying. I hope that we can help him. 
    I was reading in D y C this morning and I read a verse that I love, it said something about Christ pleading to the Father in our behalf. Because God is Just and without the sacrifice of Christ we could never recieve pardon for our shortcomings, I am so greatful that we have the gift of the greatest lawyer of all. 
Love you my lovely mother! 
Con amor,
Elder Zundel

Yeah I know that the power of the fast is real. I have started fasting a little more than a month ago every Sunday and we have had an investigator in the church every week since I stated. The Lord loves to bless us, we just have to do the things that will invite the blessings in our lives.
   Well good to hear you can still pick up a shovel of snow you old fart. Keep on workin'. 
  We do service every once in a while but really not to much. I wish that we could do more manual service for people, but really there is not a ton to do. Well there is a ton to do but there are not means whereby to do them. That is wierd that he would get transfered with 2 weeks left? (note from mom: the missionary in our stake)
   The emails from the Skinners were really good, I think that me and Riley have the same kind of comp, really forgetful. Yeah I can imagine it will be nice to have Taylor back home. Will they have to do that again with Coop and Mav? 
   Yeah Jennie told me that the bears are tied for fist right now hopefully they can take region that will be the fist time in a long time. Yeah not a huge fan of watching ping pong either paps. (edit by mom: referring to the winter olympics)
    What people like to do here is set up an appointment and then not be there when we show up. Sometimes we will walk all over town knocking on the doors of our investigators and nobody will answer, those days are really rough. 
    I didn't get any package, and I got some bad news about pictures... they camera just stopped working. I pulled it out of my bag on Tuesday to take a picture and it wouldn't turn on, so I went and bought some new batteries and still wouldn't turn on. So I dont know what you want me to do about that?
  I love you hope you have a great week! 
 Elder Zundel

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

TRANSFERS TODAY!! and I am going to....stay here again, haha. Well this will be my fourth transfer here and I will have a least one more to come because after this my comp goes home so I will stay here to teach the next missionary where everyone is at in this area. But that is alright we have quite a bit going on right now and it will be cool to see all of our people progress. Yeah dad told me about Lila, sad, but it was her time. 
  How crazy is that thatTaylor is getting married and all of that. I dont know seems pretty crazy how fast that all happened! Yeah I hear from the buddies every week not all of them every week but they are all doing really good, Kylan seems to be doing great he has a baptism coming up this weekend! Yeah you would think that I would have a shower but no they are not all that modernized, well some places are but here in my sector no not so much.  Me and Elder Watts decided that Tijuana mission is the ugliest mission you can get called to. But I am here and there is nothing I can do about it so might as well find out why God called me to this mission, right?! 
  What ladies are you talking about?? cause if it is all my ladies back home they are all getting married, but if it is my ladies here they are going to church!!! and they love it!
Well mother I love you a really a bunch and am very really grateful for all that you have done and do for me! 
Love your Missionary! 

Yeah I heard they got the smack down, O'l Manning just couldn't do it for them. Yeah and Jennie told me about the bears getting worked too. That is fun to have the grandkids over night, you old mut. That is kinda wierd to have a bunch of eagles hanging around, isnt it?
   That is cool about the guy taking the lessons, we were talking to a member the other day and we were talking about how everyone has their time. How there are a lot of people who know the church when they were little or some time in there life and never had the oppurtunity to be baptized or they didnt see the importance of it at that time. But that is just preparing them to recieve it later in there life. 
   Yeah, I think that it is the mental part of it all. I stay up some night and think about stuff and how to help these people, and I won't lie every once in a while I slip into thinking about how everything is going back home. But yeah you are right I just have to do my best and let the Lord take care of the rest. 
 Well this week was really pretty normal. We had a lesson with a lady, who I just can't figure out, with our ward mission leader and his wife. So this lady has been to church a couple of times but not in our ward, she went with her friend to a different ward. But she came to our ward this past Sunday and she said that she didnt like it. But then we went to her house earlier in the week and talked to her and got everything settled out and she was ready to go again and we set a baptismal date for her. Then we had this visit with the ward mission leader and it was awful. She was just anti do anything didn't like the church once again. So we explained to her the importance of praying to know the truth, and she was just kinda whatever with it. Then at the end the wife of the ward mission leader bore her testimony about how this lady is a special daughter of God and how great her potetial is, but also the satan knows that is doing all that he can to keep her from reaching her potencial. The spirit filled the room and we left her with that. so we will pass by this week and I hope that she has prayed and recieved an answer. 
  Well I hope that all made sense ha, 
I love ya paps.
 Elder Zundel

 know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and glory in it. do anot bglory of myself, but glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.
 10 And behold, when see many of my brethren truly penitent,and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy;then do remember awhat the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.
Well, this is why I am here in Mexico Tijuana, this is why I am serving a mission! That I can be an istrument in the hands of my Savior that I may bring some person to feel of the remission of their sins, that has brought to my life so much happiness, that cannnot be compared to. That every time I see someone take one small step towards the Savior I am overwhelmed with the love that God has for them and I see the love that the Savior has for his brother because we are all children to the Grand Creator. And how lucky am I to be the means by which Christ can save the children of God.