I now know what it is like in the spirit prison... and you do not want to go there!
Yes I do get you pictures and I love them, keep them coming my way! I bet you guys had a blast up there, the pictures look like a way awesome trip!
Well I am plugged up!! and plugged up pretty good, but I drink more than a gallon of water a day so who knows whats up, don't eat flour and I eat a ton of fruits and veggies, but I will try to get something to help me out with that.
That is so crazy that they are all on the head home list, yeah well sooner than later I will be on the same list...It is awesome to hear the the mission work is moving forward in the 8th ward!
I love you paps
Elder Zundel
HEY mom I love you!!! um well it is really hot and do you have any questions for me, I have one or two for you! there is a guy in our ward that sells cars here and he said that he would sell me a 2010 toyota Corola S for 7500 how bout that? oh and I would like you to do me a favor and check up on a book that is called whole 30 it is a diet plan type of book and I would really like it for when I get back;)
I know, hey um I think in this transfer I will need to use the card a couple of times, just cause the house we live in is not to great and there is nothing in it... so we have to buy the stuff. but no huge spends. um what else, um I love you. I am talking with skinn and I love him too I love all of my people!
Hey new change of plans, We are going to live in the basement of Elder Watts grandma! haha but get this they are going to Hawaii on the 10 on Monday so I think it would be best to move in my stuff before the tenth, maybe Triday I dont know Thursday would probably be better, if you could please call sunny and ask here about that haha
I love you mommmy!