Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 29, 2014



Wow that was some pretty good stuff talking to all of you guys, see all of your faces and even cooler that Brad is engaged!!!
Yeah I will be a little sad when I get out of here but I always like a little change in it all. That is a real bummer that all of the little guys got sick and that Bridg isn't feeling all that good, I hope she gets feeling better soon. Yeah I really do love the families that we have here! They are awesome!! We had a good time in our activity everyone ate good and had a good time I love the Christmas season, but now its over... till the next one.
I got your package! Thank you soo so much I really enjoy getting that, the bread was really good and gone!
  Okay so there is another Elder that is going to UVU when he gets home and he said that he is applied and accepted? I don't know all that much about all of it and I know that you will get everything figured out. I need all of the scholarships that I can possibly get!! I am a poor little white boy,  I am a townboy going to the city mom it might rock my world... and I have to buy a car... But that will all come when it comes for now the lords work right!
   So this week I am really excited because we will have the baptism of Lily she is the lady with the dream and the miscarriage. The family is so excited and I am so excited, I am planning on going to San Diego in one year to see them get sealed:) We are going to have another chill week because Pres. said that we are not gong to work on Saturday so that is kind of rough on the teaching and finding. We also had to change houses because the sister missionaries did not feel safe in their house so we are going there this week and we will be looking for another new house, but I think I will be leaving after this week so its like, whatever. 
Well Mom If youare on write me back right now.
 I love you so so much tell Grandma thanks for the letter and also thanks to the Hess's for the letter really nice of them! Love,
 Elder Zundel!
PS I think you can continue sending packages to me 

Talking to everyone was so awesome!! All of the little kids have grown so much! that will be really cool to see them. Well I will be praying that you don't get sick, but not so much for your sake but for moms beacuse I know it has to be rough on her. No my comp was not with me either day..The christmas pary was awesome I will get you fotos here shortly actually I will send a lot of fotos so that is why this will be short. Well she might kinda have the hots but she goes home next week so adios! (a sister missionary, ha ha) That is cool that Chris and Shawn came down! Tell them hello for me and that I love them. 
 I still got a lot left to go, but there will be no slowing down.
 I love you paps.
 Elder Zundel! 

We has a little carne asada with this guy the day after Christmas, he is an investigator of Elder Watts

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Carne Asada

December 22, 2014

SUP PAPS, Hey you should grow a beard... I will be facetiming you guys on Christmas Eve!!! at about 8 or like 7 not 100% sure but right around there. I will first try to Dustys Ipad then if that dont work I will do it to your Iphone. 

This is a buddy from Guadalajara

Ward Christmas party

the house crew

We were talking to this guy and he says, "I am a CHAMPION!" and he whips out his medal!

December 15, 2014
Maria de Jesus


That is really sad that G Huff Passed away, but he will be resting now. Yeah so I think I will be Doing a face time thing so you need to make sure that you have an account for that so that I can call you on that I will just use the persons that has the IPad. The Hernia is doing well, I haven't gotten the package yet and I am not sure when it will be here? Yeah that does worry me a little bit about the UVU ACT thing, who knows what I will do about that, but yes I would like you to look a little bit more into that. But I will work on my work here and let you work on that stuff back home. Finish strong dang straight! We got a lot of work to get done so I will be writing you again next week I love you mom! 
 Elder Zundel

Old MTC comp

Things are going well here in Mex. There is no snow here either tough luck huh.. Well good thing you could get a good use out of my inheritance,  hope someone enjoys the 20 bucks. That is awesome that Coop won! and that is cool that Payton is moving up that will help him a lot!
  For Christmas we will be face timing home! that will be a lot better because the connection is better. Yeah who knows what they were thinking, but now we put the bikes inside the house so I really hope nobody thinks that they need then very bad. Yeah that is really crazy that people are going to be heading home, and soon it will be me! Did you guys get the letters that I sent? 

 Things are going well in the mish we have people that we are teaching people going to church and have dates for every week! this trasfer is coming up pretty soon and I am pretty excited because I will be leaving but who knows where? I will have a couple of pics here for you right now! I love you paps.
 Elder Zundel    

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 8, 2014
I am Megatron!

  So this week I went on interchanges with some missionaries that are out kind of in the middle of nowhere, and I went out there a couple of weeks ago and a missionary and I found a lady that only has one leg, and when we got there she did not use makeup or dress nice let alone do her hair, but I went back to do interchanges again with them and we went to visit the same lady and the fist thing she tells me is I have changed haven't I. Her hair  done, makeup on, and a dress, WOW the Gospel changes lives, really one of my favorite moments as a missionary! 
  Tell my grandperants thanks a ton, a ton! The Christmas time is a great time of year I love it so much the Mexican people don't go all that hard on Christmas.  I think my favorite scripture right now is Isaias 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlastingFather, The Prince of Peace.the gospel is so true and I love you!!! ahh.
    and if you want to send some cookies I dont know that would be cool.
 I love you mom,
 Elder Zundel

Yeah I will be sure to be safe about the whole hernia thing, lots of good water okay okay.
  So some more cool things happened with our dreamer lady, so I am not sure if I mentioned this in the last email but in her dream she was with her husband her daughter and some other little boy who she did not know who was. Well we go over to her house this week and we are talking with them and she tells us after a while that she is pregnant! whoooah so she started crying again, and she had some problems with the word of wisdom, but ya she has to leave everything behind at forces now! Really cool, I love that family!
  So I will be skyping home on Christmas, I am not sure what time yet... Yeah we have a little Christmas tree and we are singing a lot of Christmas songs, I think we are all pretty excited about Christmas! The people recieve us really well being two gringos so that is good, ohhh yeah so Sunday morning we walk into our garage thing and there are no bikes.... so that really sucked so that is why I took out money this morning I had to get a new one of those, oh and they don't have cheep ones in Mexico like you would think they are all like 60 bucks shoot! 
Good bye bikes

Yeah send me all of the skype info por favor.
Good to hear that the little guys are doing well in their wrestling, and that the bears will be a tough team this year, I saw a pic of Mckade getting up to throw down a dunk! 
  So I was thinking  yesterday about all of the memories that I had in sports of playing in big games, and all of the things that I did in high school, and honestly the memories that are my favorite are the times that we spent together. Going and hitting on Sundays, the couple of times we went fishing, I love you Dad. 
Elder Zundel

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

Okay so I had a pretty cool experience this week! I don't know if you remember about a young woman we are teaching named Daniela, her father is less active and her mom is not a member. Well anyway we go to her house on Saturday and it is just her and her mom there so we go in and start talking, asking about their week, then I asked if we could start the lesson with a prayer and the mom was pretty excited to hear the lesson, which was kinda wierd. She has always listened to us but never really wanted to commit to anything, anyway we say the prayer and we ask them how they are doing with their reading and prayers, so after the daughter responds we ask the mom and she says I always do my prayers every day then she starts telling us a story about a dream she had.
  And this is how it goes. She was with her family and everywhere she went they were by her side, and they didn't talk but they could communicate through thought, she said that they all felt a peace and happiness that was awesome. Then they went outside in the yard, but she didn't feel scared, then a wind came and hit them and they asked what was that, because it made them feel good, and it happened again, so they asked again what was that, then she said a voice came from the heavens and says do you still doubt? and the way that she described the voice was it was a strong voice but passive something that penetrated to her heart. Then her dream continues and more cool stuff happens, sorry only have an hour to write.. ..but after we open up to 3 Nephi 11,  and as she read verse three when it describes the voice of the Lord in the exact same words that she said the tears rushed down her face, the spirit was so strong, so she accepted a baptismal date for the 27th of December! 
  And Also Maria de Jesus also had an anwer to her prays in a dream so she is for sure getting baptized, I don't know if you remember that she was having some troubles deciding if she wanted to do if for sure. Other than that the week was pretty normal nothing outo of the norm. For my birthday just some good ol pizza at night of my birthday and for thanksgiving.

 Things are going well. 
I love you paps Hope you have a great week in the gym because you will need it!
Elder Zundel